The outstanding Pole who invented a few mathematical formulas, taught on many universities and co-created an H-Bomb
Stanisław Ulam in front of the Santa Fe.
Stanisław Ulam was born on April 13, 1909. As a child he dreamt of understanding mathematical formulas. His dream came true just in primary school when he found out what E=mc2 stood for. Back then he was known under the name of a 'brilliant child'. Mathematics meant everything to Stan. Seeing that, Stanisław Mazur, Kazimierz Kuratowski and Stefan Banach asked him to join their scientific group working on many complex mathematical problems. Stefan Banach admitted that Stan had really bizarre ideas which, unexpectedly, always held good. At the age of 18, Ulam wrote his first scientific study published 2 years later, in 1929. He graduated from university as a mathematician.
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The dreamer of a new Culture
Jerzy Giedoryc in his office (1987)
Jerzy Giedroyc is one of the most famous Polish political thinkers, an author and publisher, and a founder of the "Kultura" Journal which served as a leading hub to develop the independent intellectual life of Polish expats under the Communist regime. Above all, he was a visionary, who dreamed of creating a new generation of Poles, and a nation that is broad-minded, compassionate and pluralistic.
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A top Polish double agent
Mieczysław Zygfryd Słowikowski, codename "Rygor", was instrumental in creating and operating the British intelligence network in North Africa during WW2. It is thanks to the data gathered by his people that the Allies could successfully land and proceed with "Operation Torch". The purpose of this operation was to release French North Africa from German military influence, by deploying American and British forces on the coasts of Morocco and Algeria.
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The painter of human souls
Olga Boznańska is considered the greatest Polish female painter of the late nineteenth century and certainly one of the greatest female painters in Europe. Although her paintings may seem to belong with the Impressionists, Olga always denied being a part of that movement. She evolved her own style of painting and portraying, considered by many as sorrowful and sad, her works are widely admired even today. Meet Olga Boznańska!
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